Walkthrough for The Throne of Camelot Published in Noel Williams' Invent and Write Games Programs for the Spectrum McGraw-Hill, 1983 Written by Richard Bos First, a few notes. To start with, this is a BASIC text adventure for the ZX Spectrum, which was published in Noel Williams' book on writing games programs. It's a rather odd thing, which is more a maze with puzzles than a fully-fledged adventure. You get to see a small part of the map on-screen, and there are a lot of empty, connecting locations. Since this game requires such a lot of walking about, I've abbreviated sequences of move commands below as "direction number"; e.g., "w 3" means "west, west, west". Words can be abbreviated to three letters, directions to one (but inv not to i). Obviously, this is a walkthrough, not an alternative to reading the listings. I'm not taking you past every single clue and sight; in fact, I'm showing you only the necessary ones. There's also a "help" command, which is often obtuse. Since there is no plot to the game, I'm only giving the straight commands. e 3, s, take compass, n, w 2, n 3, e, climb tree, take monkey, e 5 (ignore the juggler), s 3, give monkey, n 3, e 2, take sword, w 8, s 4, swim river, s, cut pack, climb tree, take orange, e, cut pack, n, swim river, n, e 4, squeeze orange, give juice, s, take crowbar, n, e 2, s 3, e 2, lift tree, n, take torch, s, w 4, light torch, lift rock, leave torch, leave crowbar, leave compass, e 5, take wheel, w 5, s 2, e, fix wheel, take witchdoctor, w, take wheel, fix wheel, take wheel, w, n 2, e 4, leave wheel, e 2, look cage, look goose, take feather, n, w 4, n 3, w 2, n, look cupboard, take scroll, s, w 4, s, swim river, s, cut pack, s 2, e 2, give feather, give scroll, w 2, n 2, cut pack, n, swim river, n, e 6, s 3, e 2, s 2, look armour, take helmet, n 2, leave witchdoctor, w 4, n 3, w 2, s 2, fill helmet, s, fill counterbalance, leave helmet, s 2, look tree, climb tree, take banana, n 2, e 6, take wheel, s 2, w, peel banana, give peel, take tyre, give tyre, s, take letters, n, w 3, s, look stocking, take stocking, leave bananas, leave wheel, take ladder, leave stocking, n 3, w 2, s 3, w, climb ladder, wear letters, w 2.